See, Believe and Do™

Elements Series

A Many Worlds Perspective On A Common Argument For The Nonexistence Of God.
by Gregory A. Piccionelli (
If the Many Worlds interpretation (“MWI”) of quantum mechanics is valid, as many cosmologists believe it might well be, the logician’s classic proof of the non-existence of God due to the inconsistent existence of both an omnipotent, omniscient and infinitely loving being and the existence of events with horrific consequences to humans, may be fundamentally flawed in that it implies an inconsistency that may not exist if the MWI is correct and the cosmos is really and infinite number of universes comprising a multiverse where everything that could be, is.  

The classic “proof” of the non-existence of God states that if God is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good, then catastrophic events, like pandemics and the Holocaust would not occur.  Essentially, being all knowing, God would know about the possibility of a Holocaust and because God is all-good, God would use God’s power, which is infinite, to prevent it.  However, if everything that can exist, does exist, as predicted by MWI, an infinite number of universes exist where no horrific events, such as the Holocaust, ever occur.  Similarly, there would be other universes where events we characterize as terrible are even worse.  If the question of the existence or nonexistence of God must be framed within an infinite multiverse, it would seem that a “proof” of the non-existence of God would have to address whether the providing of all options by a supreme creator would mean that any truly, universally, or more accurately, multiversally, bad or destructive events ever occur at all.   

Many theorists believe that the origin of the multiverse was a conceptual state of infinite order, often termed a singularity. If the origin of the multiverse was at a state of infinite order comprising a singularity, the diffusion of such a singularity into every possibility (every possible universe) might be seen as a very thorough disordering of the multiverse’s original state.   For those who believe that the multiverse is everything, it must therefore be or at least include God if God exists. And if the diffusion of the singularity into a multiverse where everything that could be, is, one might view that disordering as providing God with a very efficient, perhaps, infinitely efficient, way of doing something that would be impossible by definition if the original state of the multiverse remained forever as a singularity.  Essentially it would be impossible by any reasoning we can employ for God to “be” in relation to anything because there would be nothing other than the singularity.  It would also not be possible for God to know or experience God’s self when there is only a singularity.  To know or experience requires a knower and an experiencer as well as that which the knower knows and that which the experiencer experiences.  For God to experience existence, for God to essentially, be, it would seem, requires at least something to function as an experiencer and at least something else to function as the thing experienced.  A universe in which there is only a singularity is a universe with insufficient parts to contain something to be experienced or for the singularity itself to be experienced if the singularity is characterized as being nothing other than a conceptual state of infinite order, i.e., one-ness and nothing else. 

But a total diffusion of the Multiverse-originating singularity into every possibility that could be, including every possible sequence of events, would provide an infinitely thorough and rich experience potential by and among the parts of the Multiverse. Thus, if the singularity is “God” then the diffusion of the singularity into every possible outcome and interaction will result in a transformed existence into being and interaction, literally, on the most cosmic of cosmic scales, and God’s experience of God’s self, in the most complete way possible, as one might expect from the Supreme Being.  And perhaps the answer to the question “Why is there existence at all?” is simply that God’s initial state of infinite order means that there was no initial state because infinite order can be characterized as either of the following two states: (i) a state of a singularity or (ii) a state of absolutely nothing at all.  Both states are absolutely unitary, absolutely pure, and each contains infinite order and zero disorder. 

It is interesting that a Many Worlds multiverse model of reality would mean that a universe in which a creature evolved to be able to exercise “free will” and apprehend what that concept means, would simply be but one of the inevitable and necessary manifestations resulting from the diffusion of the singularity into the multiverse.  Just another way God experiences God’s self.  In fact, a necessary part of God’s thorough experience of itself on a cosmic scale means the experiencing of every possibility of oneself, i.e., everything that could possibly be.  If so, from that perspective why would a Supreme Being put any limitations on the what can exist? On what can be experienced?  If God excluded universes where horrific things happen, God would limits God’s experience of itself and it would not in a complete sense “be.” 

It is an intriguing thought that we share this common bond of origin with all life, all matter, all forms of energy, and simply everything that is the multiverse that contains everything that could possibly be.  Perhaps as well, we, like everything else in the multiverse, as well as the multiverse itself, are simply God experiencing God from our respective perspectives.  

Perhaps John Lennon stated a cosmological verity when he wrote:

“I am he 
as you are he 
as you are me 
and we are all together.”

© Gregory A. Piccionelli: See Believe and Do, G.A.P.Man and Universe Surfing are trademarks owned by Gregory A. Piccionelli.  Reproduction by permission only.